At the Carrefour, welcoming you is of the utmost importance!
Attentive, we first determine your needs so the right staff member will be able to support you more closely.
At our friendly service centres in Bonaventure and Carleton-sur-Mer you can access the internet and use a variety of helpful tools (documentation, photocopier, phone, etc.).
You’re always welcome here!

Finding and keeping a job

You’re looking for work that suits you? Or you’ve finally found the perfect job and want to keep it? The Carrefour staff offer you their listening skills and valuable advice.
  • Assistance to help you find fulfilling employment or take stock of your occupational situation
  • Support to help you determine your strengths, competencies and aptitudes (i.e.: questionnaires, psychometric tests) and implement an individualised job hunting strategy
  • Tools and support to help you prepare for interviews and optimise your résumé and presentation letters, etc.
  • Information about the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers

Watch the video clip

Successful projects

You have a business project in mind? Regardless of the type of project or enterprise (self-employment, private or social enterprise, cooperative) the Carrefour team supports you as you make your project a success.
  • Support to clarify the project
  • Support for getting it off the ground
  • Assistance in establishing partnerships
  • Information about helpful resources available in the community

Please take note that this service is available to everyone, with high school students in years 3 to 5 being the priority.

Watch the video clip


Are you thinking of changing your career focus? Or are you having difficulty continuing your studies? The Carrefour academic and occupational guidance service can help and support you.
  • Guidance and redirection towards an appropriate and realistic occupational choice
  • Support at registration time (courses, training sessions, programs of study) and to help you with your applications for financial assistance (loans and bursaries)
  • Information about new labour market trends and growth areas in the region
  • Advice to facilitate the pursuit of your studies (i.e.: better organisation of time, work-study conciliation)

Watch the video clip

Volunteering and community assistance

You would like to become involved as a volunteer in your community or set up a project that benefits it? The Carrefour team can support you in these experiences that will help you develop valuable aptitudes and skills.

Volunteer work

  • Advice concerning the types of volunteer work in which you can become involved (i.e.: one-day volunteer to help with an event; involvement with seniors or in sports or cultural activities, membership on the board of directors of an organisation, etc.)
  • Follow-up and support during your involvement to foster your integration as a volunteer

Please take note that this service is available to everyone, with high school students in years 3 to 5 being the priority.

Voluntary action

  • Advice to help you kickstart a project (i.e.: a community garden, an intergenerational project, etc.)
  • Support while carrying out a project in your community, elsewhere in Québec or abroad
  • Information about language immersion and internship programs
  • Financial support (available to those who meet eligibility criteria)
  • Please take note that this service is for everyone, with individuals between the ages of 18 to 29 inclusively being the priority.

Watch the video clip



Improving living conditions for 16-to-35-year-olds by helping them find jobs or return to school and by providing them with support for entrepreneurship, volunteer work and voluntary action projects.

The Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Avignon-Bonaventure proposes a range of diverse services to individuals between the ages of 16 and 35, accompanying them in an individualised and comprehensive manner. Free and confidential, these services are provided by competent, friendly staff in a variety of areas:

  • Job hunting and maintenance;
  • Academic and occupational guidance;
  • Entrepreneurship projects;
  • Community involvement.

In all of its actions, the Carrefour encourages young people to stay at school; it also supports those experiencing difficulties and helps young people become autonomous, individually and socially.

Dynamic and committed, the Carrefour is also a partner in various structuring projects for young people in the community.




Friendly and expert in their individual fields, our facilitators are thoroughly familiar with what it’s like to be a young person between 16 and 35 years of age, and they enjoy their discussions with members of this group.

Professional and multidisciplinary, the Carrefour team is known for its warm welcome and its ability to evaluate your needs adequately and address them effectively.
Call or e-mail for an appointment with a team member!

Consult the list


Zaolie Tessier (Carleton-sur-Mer)
418 364-6660, ext. 101 | 1 866 364-6660 (toll-free)
[email protected]

Dominique Landry (Bonaventure)
418 534-3993, ext. 201
[email protected]


Véronique St-Pierre, facilitator (MRC Bonaventure)
418 534-3993, ext. 205
[email protected]

Mélissa Allard, facilitator (MRC Avignon)
418 364-6660, ext. 103 | 1 866 364-6660 (toll-free)
[email protected]

Sandra Bourdages, Coordinator, Employment Integration and Retention Service
418 534-3993, poste 208
[email protected]


Anne Lapensée, ps. éd., facilitator (MRC Avignon)
418 364-6660, ext. 104 | 1 866 364-6660 (toll-free)
[email protected]

Jérémie Leblanc, facilitator Depart@9 - Gagnant/Gagnant (MRC Bonaventure)
581 887-5878
[email protected]


Laszlo Bois, facilitator (MRC Bonaventure)
418 534-3993, ext. 202
[email protected]

Kim-Audrey Elieff, facilitator (MRC Avignon)
418 364-6660, ext. 105 | 1 866 364-6660 (toll-free)
[email protected]


Judith Bujold, guidance counsellor (MRC Bonaventure)
418 534-3993, ext. 203 / 418 364-6660, ext. 102
[email protected]

Audrey Viel, guidance counsellor - facilitator Gagnant/Gagnant (MRC Avignon)
418 364-6660, poste 102 / 1 866 364-6660 (sans frais)
[email protected]


Liza Bernier Langlois, project leader (MRC Avignon)
418  364-6660, ext. 107 | 1 866 364-6660 (toll-free)
[email protected]

Vanessa Arsenault, project leader (MRC Bonaventure)
418 534-3993, ext. 209
[email protected]


Ronald Ménard, general manager
418 534-3993, ext. 207
[email protected]

Josiane Hudon, team leader
418 534-3993, ext. 210
[email protected]

Diane Gauthier, administrative director
418 534-3993, ext. 216
[email protected]

Jennifer Arsenault, administrative assistant
418 534-3993, ext. 206
[email protected]

Paula Beaulieu, communications officer
418  364-6660, ext. 106 | 1 866 364-6660 (toll-free)
[email protected]

Our accomplishments

In addition to offering a range of services to young people between the ages of 16 and 35 in a various fields of endeavour, the Carrefour team accompanies a number of young people every year as they accomplish their projects, activities, events, etc.

Here’s just a glimpse of what we’ve accomplished (in French)


Established in June 1997, the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Avignon-Bonaventure is under the administrative oversight of Action Travail Chaleurs inc. (ATC), a not-for-profit community organisation whose mission is to improve the living conditions of young people.

ATC promotes and organises activities likely to create jobs or foster labour force integration and is managed by a board of directors composed primarily of young adults.


Amanda McDonald, Chair
Geneviève Béchard, Vice Chair
Serge Arseneau,Treasurer
Laurie Miousse, Secretary
Nathalie kahi, Administrator
Joël Poirier, Administrator
Valérie Dumont, Administrator